This tool provides visualisations based on SEND data held by local authorities (LAs) in the standard format of the “SEN2” special educational needs survey. Until recently, the “SEN2” data was produced by LAs as aggregate data. The survey is now a client-level survey, meaning that a standard client-level dataset is available for analysis by LAs.
To get started, use the tool below to point at your local SEN2 CSVs (excel uploads are currently not supported, descriptions of file structure can be found on the 'About' page), select a reference date, and click 'Submit'. You can then view the visualisations in your browser, or produce a PDF output. Give the tool some time to run as the calculations and plot rendering is a little intensive. NOTE: if using a smaller screen, you may need to zoom out of the page (normally ctrl + the minus button) until the plots align properly, this is necessary for the PDF to correctly render, too. Detailed instructions and further info can be found on the About page.
This tool works in much the same way as other Data to Insight web tools; when you use the tool, no data leaves your local network. For more information on how this works, please see our detailed guide. More information about how to contribute feedback, or access our learning resources, can be found here.
You can view and contribute to the source code for this tool here.
This report provides visualisations based on SEND data held by local authorities (LAs) in the standard format of the “SEN2” special educational needs survey. Until recently, the “SEN2” data was produced by LAs as aggregate data. The survey is now a client-level survey, meaning that a standard client-level dataset is available for analysis by LAs.
You can visit the tool in browser: You can view and contribute to the source code for this tool: